Saturday, February 19, 2011

valentine box ideas for kids

Do your kids make boxes to bring to class for their valentines?

Do your kids make boxes to bring to class for their valentines?

Cat Valentine Card Mailbox Valentine Craft Ideas For Kids

Cat Valentine Card Mailbox Valentine Craft Ideas For Kids

We had the most fun making his Valentine box…

We had the most fun making his Valentine box…

And finally, here is my finished Valentine Box. I can't wait to fill it with

And finally, here is my finished Valentine Box. I can't wait to fill it with

And finally, here is my finished Valentine Box. I can't wait to fill it with

And finally, here is my finished Valentine Box. I can't wait to fill it with

This year he decided he wanted a camouflage army Valentine's day box.

This year he decided he wanted a camouflage army Valentine's day box.

Valentine Box Ideas for Kids These boxes are good for little boys who don't

Every year we make a Valentine's Day box for my son's Valentine's Day school

Every year we make a Valentine's Day box for my son's Valentine's Day school

Valentines Mailbox, Valentines, Color Page - Free Printable Ideas from

Valentines Mailbox, Valentines, Color Page - Free Printable Ideas from

This box is a gem. Our first valentine box from this was a robot.

This box is a gem. Our first valentine box from this was a robot.

Cracker Box Locker

Cracker Box Locker

More Valentine's Day Ideas

More Valentine's Day Ideas

Valentines Day is tons of fun for kids to participate in and craft their way

Valentines Day is tons of fun for kids to participate in and craft their way

I took a 2-4-6-8 box (made from a half sheet of cardstock, the bottom was

I took a 2-4-6-8 box (made from a half sheet of cardstock, the bottom was

Here are my favorite valentine mailboxes. Click on the links below each box

Here are my favorite valentine mailboxes. Click on the links below each box

valentine box ideas for kids « : blisstree - serious health and

valentine box ideas for kids « : blisstree - serious health and

Valentine Box Ideas: Paper Plate Heart Pocket. Sherri Osborn

Valentine Box Ideas: Paper Plate Heart Pocket. Sherri Osborn

valentine box ideas for kids « : blisstree - serious health and

valentine box ideas for kids « : blisstree - serious health and

Valentine Box. Ideas For Kids, Children, Valentines Day Boxes for .

Valentine Box. Ideas For Kids, Children, Valentines Day Boxes for .

Cute and Easy Valentine's Day Craft for Kids! conversationboxes.jpg

Cute and Easy Valentine's Day Craft for Kids! conversationboxes.jpg